Dosbox vsync opengl
Dosbox vsync opengl

dosbox vsync opengl
  1. #Dosbox vsync opengl how to
  2. #Dosbox vsync opengl no cd
  3. #Dosbox vsync opengl install
  4. #Dosbox vsync opengl mod
  5. #Dosbox vsync opengl manual

How to get rid of tearing in Aladdin ( 23:39)ġ. Looks Promising if you can pass the copy-protection. For some DOSBox forks with more accurate emulation, this will not work.Īlso as mentioned by madminne2, be sure to set cycles=5000 as otherwise the game will slowdown during busy scenes. With a real SB16 you would not get stereo sound. With vanilla DOSBox you may also get stereo sound with the default SB16 emulation, but that is actually because vanilla DOSBox does not emulate the SB16 properly.

dosbox vsync opengl

Then run SETSND.EXE and select option 3 "Sound Blaster Pro" I guess an easier approach would be to grab these assets from the C2 ports of these levels, textures are already converted into TIFF files, and the level files should be easier to load.The game has support for stereo (separate sounds played though each channel), with the right setup.Ĭonfigure DOSBox to use a Sound Blaster Pro 1 or 2 (e.g. Levels are more annoying as you need 3DSMAX and Harm's CarmaTools and often a bit of fiddling. Sounds are just WAV files, menus are FLI files (can be opened with Carmagedit or Aseprite) and BRender PIX files (use TRIXX or Carmagedit), same for the textures. TBH these assets aren't too difficult to grab. If you want to configure alternate keymaps (and if the ingame config doesn't do the job), have a go at Carma Key Binder: viewtopic.php?t=9474īlood patches for C1 are still available from here: (but again, getting the GOG release would be easier IMO)Īs for an assets pack, IIRC there are packs floating around for the C1 and C2 cars, but not for the levels. Installing them manually from the original CDs via DOSBox is tedious really.

#Dosbox vsync opengl install

I must ask though, why don't you simply install the GOG rerelease? You'd get the DOS versions of C1 and SP installed without any hurdles. I had to reread your post several times to get what you were asking.

#Dosbox vsync opengl mod

obj files plus the textures and sounds including the map and menu ui for the race as I would like to port one of the Mayan location races from the Splat Pack over to the UnWheel mod for UT2k4(I know how to do the port).Maybe port one or another of the races from either the main game or splatpack seeing how the Mayan race\track goes. Just be able to reinstall the game and have some fun despite not being able to configure alternate keys to drive properly.Is there a way I could get the normal version game sprites so I can replace the zombies with the normal ones? I know I was able to get one of the blood patches from the splat pack to work but thought why not try the actual sprites from normal\blood version?Īlso has any one made the maps\races available as.

#Dosbox vsync opengl no cd

Uses Win 7 Pro 64-bit.Seems the dos version of the game can run as it has the location of the install folder and is using it to see it as the game "cd".Is there a crack that can fix the no cd check but still plays the videos\cut scenes as I love watching them. but trying to install the splat pack is useless as the installer freezes at the select directory menu and I don't want to do the meld option. Installed the dos version of C1(zombie version) and it runs without the need for the cd in dosbox but my stupid laptop is missing the keypad which sucks as they sure know how prevent you from using older apps,etc. That will get your Carmageddon to run in high resolution mode. This will make Carma running in optimal conditions (screen fits perfectly, textures looks good, etc.).Īnd, remember to add the following command line in the Carma95 shortcut: -hires. Singlecpu=true DO NOT COPY AND PASTE, just change the values as it goes in the description. force CPU0 affinity, avoids crashes with RA, *might* have a performance impact switch between OpenGL (opengl) and software (gdi) renderers, latter supports less features but might be faster depending on the GPU

dosbox vsync opengl

enable C&C video resize hack, auto = auto-detect game, true = forced, false = disabled (OpenGL only)

#Dosbox vsync opengl manual

manual sensitivity scaling, 0 = disabled, 0.5 = half, 1.0 = normal

dosbox vsync opengl

scaling filter, nearest = sharp, linear = smooth (OpenGL only) vertical synchronization, enable if you get tearing (OpenGL only) real rendering rate, -1 = screen rate, 0 = unlimited, n = cap use letter- or windowboxing to make a best fit (GDI only!) bits per pixel, possible values: 16, 24 and 32, 0 = auto Height=1080 (use your native resolution height here) width and height of the window, defaults to the size game requests width=1920 (use your native resolution width here) In the main folder of the game (where ddraw.dll is located), look for ddraw.ini.

Dosbox vsync opengl